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Conference Call

You are in store for a real treat on June 11th, your team; along with your leaders, will have the opportunity to have a Conference Call. That means that you will have all your team and leaders on … Read more about Conference Call

Danielle Hagerty

Bonjourrrrr everybody!!!! I'm Danielle Swainhart Hagerty. First off, I am sooooo rediculously excited to be going on this trip with all of you and I feel eternally blessed to have this oppurtunity. :) … Read more about Danielle Hagerty

Klaire Fisher

My name is klaire fisher, I am 14 years old and just finishing up 8th grade at Autrey Mill Middle School. I live in johns creek georgia. I have 2 sisters, one younger and one older, and … Read more about Klaire Fisher

Sophia Theodos

Hey team Guatemala! Oh my goodness! I am soooo super excited to meet all of you guys! Well my name is Sophia and I am a freshman in high school and 14 years old. I live about 20 minutes south of … Read more about Sophia Theodos