Hey Everyone!
Well my name is Cassie Koepf I’m 16 years old and a sophomore in high school. I live in Colleyville, Texas, but recently moved to Texas from California about three years ago. I am extremely involved in my high school with lots of clubs and organizations. I am very active in the theatre department and perform in all of the shows, and I am also on the school’s Oral Interpretation team, and I will compete in the national competition in Alabama a week before our Guatemala trip! Music is one of my passions and I love to sing and write songs. I also love playing and watching all kinds of sports and I played soccer and swam for eight years and ran for four. I have two older sisters, one is 19 the other is 21. My parents inspire me and encourage me daily. I absolutely love my family and we are very close. I have been a “Christian” since I was five years old, however my faith didn’t really become my own until about three years ago. I have wanted to go on an international mission trip for quite some time, but since we are still searching for a church home I haven’t had an opportunity to at all! My dad went to Swaziland for business and met a representative from Adventures in Missions, when he got home he told me to check it out! I did and I was immediately interested and started looking into a mission trip. I am so incredibly excited to go on this adventure and see what God has in store for me. I hope He strengthen my faith through this trip
Random Stuff:
I love games, all kinds!
My favorite T.V. shows are LOST and The Office
I like playing ping pong and other fun sports
I love the ocean, well pretty much just water!
Milk and Vitamin Water are my two favorite beverages.
I like cleaning, haha it helps me unwind.
I am at my happiest when worshipping and I absolutely love praising my God.

Hey Cassie!
It’s great to get to know you a little better.
I’m liking your heart for God, man! I’m definitely excited to see what he has in store for our team this summer.
I’ll be praying for you!
Welcome Cassie! I have a feeling you’ll enjoy the drimes… Thank you for taking time to share your heart and a little about yourself. Looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the team.
We have so much in common! can’t wait to meet you! =)