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Thoughts & Inspiration

Bonjourrrrr everybody!!!! I’m Danielle Swainhart Hagerty. First off, I am sooooo rediculously excited to be going on this trip with all of you and I feel eternally blessed to have this oppurtunity. 🙂 I have a twin who is quite litterally my second half. Love her to death. I’m homeschooled which gives me A LOT of time to read and write, which is what I do, all the time. I love reading and writing, especially poetry. Being a literate, you would exspect me to be a good speller. Wrong, I am a terrible speller, and I’m not good at grammer either. Oh well. I’ve been doing gymnastics, 11 years now. I’ve been going to my church since before I was born and I absolutly love it. I love my youth group soooo much and I go to a lot of events and retretes with them. I’m a  hippie, minus the drugs. I am half a vegitarian, I only eat seafood for protien. I can seriously fall asleep anywhere. I love taking naps. Thats kind of the only reason I’m homeschooled. Just kidding.  I LOVEEEE working with kids. I like doing yoga and picking flowers. I’m extremely outgoing and friendly.  I get along with people really well, so I can’t wait to meet you all!
I went to Guatemala last year with my youth group, and I fell in love with the gorgeous country. The people, the scenery, the whole intire experience brings a tear of rememerence and longing to my heart. I applied this year, and I was heart broken when I didn’t make it in. I prayed so hard because I wanted to go so bad, and Jesus provided the exact opportunity that I was looking for. I am so extremly blessed to be where I am now with all of you. God is good.
other hippies
bath scrungies
the sky
macaroni and cheese pizza