
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this mission trip.  Here is what I’m expecting…
I expect to be humbled.

I expect to be stretched (in ways unthinkable for a “simple” two-week trip).

I expect to become more passionate for missions, for children, for God, for life.

I expect to be brought to tears of joyful anticipation.
I expect to be brought to tears of helplessness.
I expect to be molded to better mirror his image.
I expect to humbly learn from the Guatemalan people.
I expect to see life-transformation.
I expect to fight off temptations of pride, selfishness, and complacency.
I expect to engage in intense prayer with my team.
I expect to hold hungry children in my arms.
I expect to touch the heart of God.
I expect to feel completely at home.
I expect God to totally outshine all my expectations

and blow my mind away with the plans that HE has in store.


 “Porque el reino de Dios no es cuestión de palabras sino de poder.”
 (1 Corintios 4:20)

“God’s kingdom isn’t just a lot of words. It is power.”

(1 Corinthians 4:20)

3 responses to “Expectations of My Missions Trip”

  1. Thanks Connie!

    haha so for the longest time I was looking at this and thinking to myself “Crock.. Crock.. WHO IS CROCK?”

    …then I got it.


  2. “I expect God to totally outshine all my expectations”
