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Sorry I had to get that out of my system.
It all started with me going to Guatemala last year. I went with my youth group (New Life Glenside). There was 10 kids and 2 leaders. I had the most amazing experience of my life, so, naturally, I wanted to go back again. I spent litterally about 5 hours after church one day with my friend to work on the application (handwritten). I was wary because I knew that a lot of people were applying, but because I had written such a good application I was sure I was going to get in and i pushed the thought of rejection out of my mind. A couple of weeks later, though, while i was at dance, I got a call from my twin sister. I had not gotten in, along with my twin (Ashley) and my two bestest friends (Hannah and Jillian), because we had all gone before. I started to tear up because I was so upset.
I continued sulk the rest of that week, because I was really looking forward to going on an amazing trip to spread the word of God and help the poverished people of Guatemala. One day, when I was chillin’ on facebook, I saw and ad that said something like this:
“Are you a teenaged christian girl who just got denied for going to Guatemala with your youth group and are interested in going on a missions trip? Click on this advertisement!”
I lied, it didn’t say anything like that. But it might has well, because I practically peed my pants when I saw the ad. I quickly clicked the advertisment and learned about all of the different missions trip there were available for teenagers like me to go on. I saw a trip to the Amazon Jungle and I got reeeeeaaaalllllyyyyy excited. I then realized that it would be a LOT of money to raise in a very short ammount of time. I then saw the perfect trip-
Guatemala (Central America) – 6/30/2009 to 7/14/2009
 Ambassador Team

I called AIM and BOOM! There I was, a little dazed, but the feeling passed as I realized that I WAS GOING TO GUATEMALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And here I am now, writing this for you all to see how God provides thing to those who ask him. Funny how facebook IS actually good for something…………
I am so blessed, and extremely thankful towards AIM, all of you guys, my financial and prayer supporters, my friends + family, and most of all, Jesus Crist for making it possible for me to be able to go on this trip. My love and gratitude goes out to you all.

3 responses to “How I Was Called To Missions”

  1. Hey that’s funny because at first I was signed up to go on the 1 month trip in the Amazon jungle but there was alot of anxiety in my family about that trip, about the amount of time and the amount of money. Then when my dad pointed me in the direction of this trip it just fell into place. It just shows how Gd has a plan in everything!

  2. Haha, wow really? Do you live pretty close by? Yeah, the chocolate thing is a hinderance around here because of all the awesome chocolate Amish deserts.. but i guess it’s a blessing more than anything!

    Hey guys- random fact- i had originally wanted to go to the Amazon too!!!!!!!!! Then I upgraded that to the 3-month India trip, but neither of those went over well with my parents.

    Amazing how God put that in each of our hearts, and then lead each of us here.

  3. Hey danielle,
    I love you so much and I feel so honored to be in this. You are doing an amazing thing and I am so very proud of you. You haven’t even been gone a week yet, but I already miss your terribly. I hope you have a wonderful trip and I am so excited to hear your stories when you get back. See you soon, my lovely best friend :]
    Love, The J of jahd