Hey Guys!
My name is Jodie Prosser, and the picture posted above basically sums up my heart: showing the love of Jesus, being in a foreign country, and working with children! It was taken on my youth group’s trip to Jamaica this past summer… but that story is for another blog!
The Basics- I live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Haha, and NO, I am not Amish!
I am currently a senior in High School, and will be attending Philadelphia Biblical University next year with a double-major in Bible and Social Work (totally pumped!).
I like playing worship on my guitar, making videos, and being around people.
My Heart:
1) I am in love with Jesus Christ.
2) I feel very burdened for all the children who are being treated as if they are worthless, and I want to do something about it. Human trafficking, poverty, child abuse; I know that His heart aches for those children more than mine ever could.
3) I am currently in my forth year of Spanish, and I reallllly enjoy it!
So put those 3 passions together and what do you get? A two-week trip to Guatemala this summer!
My Testimony- I grew up going to church and I “prayed the prayer” before I even knew how to read! However, it wasn’t until the summer before 10th grade that God truly grabbed hold of my heart and turned me away from the messy life I had stumbled into. Now I am experiencing more and more freedom everyday, and I don’t want to ever go back to life I had without Him.
Random Facts:
I don’t like chocolate.
I’m totally excited to meet you guys.
Cereal is definately my favorite food.
I say “like” way too often
Yellow is a wonderful color
You can find me on Facebook: Jodie Prosser
These bios are so helpful, I’m so glad to hear someone else has to travel all the way to Georgia!
However, I’m flying out of Harrisburg. . . booooo, it would have been so cool to have someone to travel with! But I guess I’ll see you there.
Omigoodness, I’m so excited 🙂
Hey Jodie! You have an AMAZING heart, and I can’t wait to get to work with you this summer! And I’m with Amy, I have to come down from north Jersey. I can’t wait to see everyone!! I’m praying for you 🙂
Jodie, you seem like such a sweet girl. First off, I cannot belive that you don’t like chocolate. Second, LANCASTER?!?!??!?!?!?1????!?!!!! I was there the other day!!!!! I went to buy food at an amish person’s house!!! Haahahah. I can’t wait to meet you!!!!