Hello Team Guatemala!

This blog post has been a few weeks coming, and I apologize for my procrastination. I am honored to announce that I will be your other leader for this little adventure! I am very excited to meet each of you and am looking forward to our Latin American adventure (it will be my first time in Latin America besides Mexico, so my excitement is heightened!). Here is the down low on yours truly:
I am 28, and like Connie, on staff full time with AIM-coming up on a year now. I am currently involved with leading the
Community Life program, a new community/discipleship venture here at AIM. I also work part time for the
World Race. I led a 2 month Real Life trip to Mozambique last summer, which was also my first mission trip with AIM. I have been in ministry/full time missions pretty much since college and I have come to realize that I am most alive on the field. God has put a fierce passion in me to see His Kingdom come on this earth, and to have my hands dirty in the things that break His heart. I know He wants to use each of you in huge ways this summer to bring His Kingdom to Guatemala. I am ready to walk it out right beside you!
Likes: gardening, farmer’s markets, driving with the windows down (perferably in the beautiful North GA mountains), writing, and strawberry limeades from Sonic.
Dislikes: not being on time (try living with 10 other people and walking this out), people who clip their toenails in front of you, insincerity (I can spot it from a mile away) and I have a love/hate relationship with fast food-well, at least my stomache does :).
Until we meet!
Grace and peace,
Aw Jess, I was reading some of your blogs a few days ago and was TOTALLY encouraged and challenged by your heart. I am so excited to learn from you and the things God has taught you..